Domino Effect Archives

The Thomas F. Coleman Collection



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Chapter Five:  Gay Marriage

1981: Coleman and Vasquez are married in international waters

1981: Daily Journal profile of Coleman mentions the wedding

1988: Advocate runs a story entitled "Family Matters"

1989: Advocate story says some gays are lukewarm to marriage

1989: Daily Journal story on the push for same-sex marriage

1989: NY Times: getting rights through "family" versus "marriage"

1989: Time Magazine asks: "Should gays have marriage rights?"

1989: Lawyers promote same-sex marriage at state bar meeting

1991: California bill would legalize same-sex marriage

1994: Hawaii gay marriage and dp materials (1994 to 1999)

1995: LA Times: national backlash to Hawaii gay marriage issue

1995: How will California respond to gay marriage in Hawaii?

1995: David Link article on "Marriage Wars"

1995: Press release to gay groups on backlash to gay marriage

1995: Press release urging domestic partnership in Hawaii

1997: Hawaii "reciprocal beneficiary" proposals

1999: Materials presented to Vermont Legislature (1999-2000)

2000: Vermont committee votes to create civil unions for gays

2003: US Supreme Court declares sodomy laws unconstitutional

2005: Column One: gay activists questioning marriage as end goal

2008: Coleman and Vasquez legally married in Palm Springs
           Carolyn Skalnek authorized to perform ceremony
           Invitation  --  Program  --  Website page  -- Photo


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